These is just random unorganised space to help me quickly jot down either information (public) that is new to me or thoughts that are good enough to share! πŸ˜‚

This is the staging area. Stuff here should get promoted to Articles soonish! (if pestered consistently).


Really random dumps

Read about this πŸ”

Scuttlebutt (the underlying protocol of Manyverse) is the best decentralized social network I've found so far. It takes a much more radical approach than that of federation ala Mastadon, which is just centralization in miniature.
Under the hood, scuttlebutt uses multiple independent blockchains, each tied to a single user. The upside of this is that it makes for a great eventually consistent gossip protocol; the downside is that the entire chain needs to be propagated for any of it to make sense, making it a very storage-intensive protocol.

Private messaging is implemented in a really interesting way using cryptographic envelopes that are publicly gossiped, but only decryptable by the recipient β€” whose address is also encrypted and therefore hidden.

Personally, I'm looking forward to when they introduce a good decentralized solution for moderation. This would help keep the size of the chain smaller, and make the information you see more usable.

The Scuttlebutt Protocol Guide [0] is a really easy and interesting read, I highly recommend it.

[0] <>


More (to explore) 🧨